Friday, July 28, 2006

Security Breach at PM's office - a Breach or a Rehersal?

A black Sonata drives up through the first gate, turns back and goes away....

Fact(according to news reports): Some 3 youngsters just drive in, breaching the security at PM's recidence at 7 Race Course Road in an high-secuirty(supposedly) open-fire area; "Just came to meet the Prime Minister" is what they absurdly claim and drive away merrily. No appointment, no prior record, not interrogated, neither stopped, two girls claiming to be from Jaipur and a boy just drive in and out of 7 RCR. Caught some 4-5 kms away because the media flashes the footage all over. The nation sees how easily a car drove up to the massive steel gate of the heavily guarded residence. A guard at the first spot, where there are two armed sentries and a drop barrier, refused to comment.The officials responsible for security try to hush the matter. In fact the PMO dint file any complaint against the same!!

An unofficial, unrecorded vehicle goes past the highest level security; it casually moves towards the exit as the girl seated behind blew flying kisses at the startled news reporters.

Jaswant Singh's story about the mole in PMO, the Khandhahar fiasco,
LeT men in army, speculations about being in the IAF,
along with the regular blasts in srinagar and mumbai...
BARC is one of the terror targets...
Where's the nation heading?? Where is the word security, is it only meant to lie in the dictionary?
Another perspective..
Was the seemingly immature driving of drunk youngsters a minor security breach(or not a security according to the PMO)
or Was it a rehersal for a major master-minded terrorist attack on 7RCR??!?!
Were the terrorist gauging to what extend can the go in, without being stopped for interrogation?
Were they measuring the distances to then accurately pinpoint at the PMO, a soft target for a grenade from the first gate!??!
What if it would have been loaded with ammunition/terrorist, open firing outside, maybe holding the whole cabinet hostage(which was inside in a meeting at that time)??

Saturday, July 22, 2006

LeT in IAF?!?!

Shocking.. the very thought!!!

Sounding an alert, National Security Adviser M K Narayanan has written to state governments about intelligence inputs that Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) cadres could have infiltrated the armed forces and two of them could have made their way into the Indian Air Force (IAF).

IAF's reaction: "We have scanned the system and haven't found any (infiltration), such scans will be repeated."

Was this scan authentic? Is the nation's security deteriorating to shocking extents?!
Wil this topic die in due course of time, or will a cupboard of skeletons open after some major security breach hits IAF!?!?

(to be cont-)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Why can't India do a Israel?!?

Two Israeli soldiers get kidnapped from Northern Israel, Israel holds Lebanon responsible. Lebanon claims it has no control over the southern parts of the country and Hezbollah. Israel attacks the whole of Lebanon and takes out Hezbollah leadership and infrastructure.
200 innocents get killed in Mumbai. Our Prime Minister after four days says that this was an act done by groups ‘across the border’. Says Mumbai is strong and we are united. Does nothing. Are we going to do anything? Every day our soldiers and civilians are blown up in Jammu and Kashmir. We still so nothing.Pakistan occupied Kashmir continues to harbour terrorists training camps. Terrorists cross into the country from there. We have the evidence to prove it apart from the increasing toll of dead and injured civilians. Can’t we do anything against these terrorists?

Pakistan claims that it has no control over these groups and the very same groups are out to kill their President. What are we waiting for? Let’s do them a favour and do what Israel is doing and weed them


A true incident, ..must read!!

Do Read!! (take some time out)message: THIS IS WHAT I CALL MUMBAI ..... U better read it ... !! From Someone called Ishan..)
"STUNNED" - Mumbai Mirror."
7 BLASTS ROCK MUMBAI"- yahoo headlines.
Which editor wrote these lines? Which abysmal mother f@#ker had the guts to talk about my mother land, MY CITY being stunned!!! I was there. I was on the train, in the hospital and on the streets and I didn't see Stunned. I saw Stunning…stunning acts of kindness. And nothing rocked Mumbai. No self respecting Mumbaikar can believe that. No. Its not 'blasts rock Mumbai' cause Mumbai rocked, man. She simply ROCKED.
Here is my story.For those who came in late…I have started working in a tutoring firm at Andheri. So it's the night shift for me since the students are based in the States. So there I was standing at Dadar station. Waiting for the Borivili fast. She came bang on time. After the normal physical exercise routine (in other cities they call this 'boarding a train'…we Mumbaikars know better:):):)) I got in. The train started. Next stop Bandra…Lots of people got in…some tried to get out:). After the usual round of expletives, shouting and 'chod do na yaar…are maramari mat karo'(forget about it, man…don't fight guys) the train started.
BOOM!My first impression was that the over head wire that supplies current to the train's engine had snapped. There had been a flash like a yellow light and then the lights went out. People started panicking. I don't know why but at such times I have the tendency to restore calm….a very close friend had once called this habit…tere mein kida kam nahi hain..(can't translate this one) Neways, I roared out that people should calm down. Miraculously, they did. Someone asked for the chain to be pulled but by then the motorman had pushed the breaks. I jumped out of the train like the rest of the commuters and saw that the first class compartment ahead of us had blown up.
I moved towards the compartment. People had already started pulling others out. Lots of guys had climbed the harbour line bridge that starts near Bandra station. Slowly, the injured started emerging. The first guy whose hand I held was merely stunned. Didn't have any money left…wallet gone I think. I gave him twenty bucks and he went his way. As I turned towards the train, I saw a guy with lots of blood on his face…thankfully none of it was his. He had temporarily lost his sense of hearing. Walked with him a lil distance. Bandra station was a stones throw away from the blown-up compartment. He recovered soon and some one took him to the station. I turned and saw four guys carrying a fifth. The injuired man was alive but i think, his hand would have to be amputated. A big guy was holding the patient's right shoulder was shouting for some one to steady the man's head which had no support. With nothing else to do, I stepped in.
We took him to Bhaba hospital, Bandra. While the journey up till the auto rickshaw was tough the journey till the hospital was an eye opener. Carrying a 90 kilo man over the railway tracks, then over a 2 foot incline near the tracks, then over a railing and through the jam caused by the numerous autos which were ferrying patients to the hospital was tough even when four of us were carrying him. We reached the main road outside the station and got into the auto. The big saand (strong-guy) who had earlier called me for help, literally dragged a fellow who had hired the auto out and we got ourselves in. The big guy was sitting with the auto driver and I along with two others was holding the injuired man on our laps.
Then the most beautiful thing happened. The guy to my right told the one to my left to start reciting verses from the Koran and to blow on the man's head. I think it is some Muslim prayer. The big guy said,"Oh lord! Have Mercy on this man!". A few minutes later that injured man who was half awake all this time started saying 'shiv shiv shiv…om namah shivay …om namah shivay."
When I think back about that moment I smile to myself. We six of us in that small auto heading towards the hospital had done it. We had defeated the terrorists. Who can say we were stunned…we won guys. We won. We defeated the terrorists' plan by that simple act of helping a fellow INDIAN. We didn't have to invade Pak or kill Muslims. We had won. Of course we could have lost if the 2 muslims had walked away from the man knowing that he was Hindu but they didn't. They continued working with me at the hospital for nearly an hour transporting bodies to the morgue, taking patients to the upper floors and providing a lil water to the other impromptu volunteers. Going towards the office after all this was over, was probably the stupidest thing I ever did but that gave me the chance to see the City become one. Guys in designer tees, shorts etc. were flooding out of their houses with water bottles. The rick I used was stopped in 4 places…two places for others to get in ( the driver lied saying we were going to parel.) and at two others, hands full of Parle-G biscuits were thrust in so that we and the thousands of others like us who had been affected by the Western railway system being shut down could have something to eat. The over crowded buses were being given food and water at some signals with people throwing biscuit packets into the bus…even good old Bourbon biscuit…yummy:):):)
All in all a lot happened yesterday but my city didn't budge. We have been hit before, we have been hit yesterday and we will continue to get attacked. The only thing to do is to come together. Together as One. For that is what the terrorists don't want to see. They don't realise that the more they attack us, the closer we become. We can't let ourselves go down so we can't give up.You may think what I did was pretty heroic…it was may be…but I like so many others wouldn't like to be called heroes. It feels very uncomfortable.
If you want to give us a name just call us Mumbaikars.
That name is all-inclusive.
Ishan I. Bhole.
This message was sent to you by divya bhat.

Indian Blog Blackout!!

The blogger community's Freedom of speech just croaked, it maybe a temporary thing, but hasnt the govt. got better things to do than blocking blogsites?!!?

This is a very stupid thing to do.. kills the spirit of bloggin.How can they forget that blogs came to the rescue when the phone lines were jammed??!!?
WE, bloggers are very much a part of India and would never do anything to harm the integrity or dignity of our country. Freedom of speech cannot be denied, nor the right to information , as to why were these blogs/blog sites banned.There are various sites like orkut which have disgraceful communities, What will the govt. do about them??

links to some articles reporting or blogs supporting the above...

DoT had only directed the ISPs to block out specific sites and blogs. You can download or view a scanned copy of the original circular sent out by the DoT from here.

Millions of Indian bloggers have been locked out of their sites just because the damned ISP were to lazy to block specific sites and just set up broad filters blocking out practically all major blogging services.

Here’s a list of offending ISPs -

TATA Indicom
Reliance Powersurfer
BSNL DataOne
BSNL Dialup
Reliance NetConnect
Reliance BroadNet

There may be more, but these are the real big ones

Now they jus say it was a "technical error", Woa... 10 blogs to 3 whole sites... so much for their stupid excuses!!

Mumbai Petition, TOI ...

Mumbai is demanding action. The Times of India is creating the largest petition for Mumbai. It will be submitted to the Prime Minister.For each signature, TOI will also contribute a rupee toward welfare of those affected by the recent blasts.If you've had enough, speak up.And spread the word.
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
Mumbai is tired, impatient and very angry. It doesn't want the praise. It wants its dues. For too long have we received only empty accolades. Now it's payback time.
We want:
  • More autonomy on how this city is run. India's dream destination cannot remain an administrative nightmare. We want leaders interested in the city, not in party bosses and vote banks.
  • More money, for the state and from the state. India's cash cow cannot just be milked dry. We want a fair percentage of what Mumbai contributes to be put back into city improvements.
  • More accountability and transparency. We refuse to let inefficiency and corruption steal our taxes. We want civic officials who level our roads not line their pockets.
  • More civilized living. India's business capital cannot be subjected to such tattered public services. We want to live like human beings, not rats.
  • More safety and security. We cannot be drowned out one day, blasted out the other. We want a strong, compassionate, accountable police force to protect our kids, our elderly parents and us.It's been too little for too long. We want to get as good as we give.
And we want it now.
Yours Sincerely,
Sign this petition...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mumbai 7/11 blasts


The devastated coaches, mangled boogies scared the daylights out of me, sitting at home!! What if(God forbid!!) any of my near and dear ones were on that train/station!!! (touchwood, all famliy, friends, relatives are safe!!)
I shudder had the very thought. Even as pictures keep flashing on the news channel, the rising toll to almost 200 and the TOI filled with news about blasts, it sends shivers down my spine to think it all happened in places where a common Mumbaikar hops(to the ticket counter), skips(into the train) and jumps(out on to his destination) !!!

I dont allow my kid bro to go to school(he doesnt go by any public transport), but its so scary to send him out of the house, the floods, the bandh, now who knows what will happen where next?!?!?. ...
But there was something remarkable about Mumbai, i read "Local people on the roads to help.." .... "some offering water to people walking down streets"
"A hostel feeds n gives shelter to 600 stranded commuters, free of cost"
"People turn out in large number for donating blood"
"BSE jumps 300+ points and slaps terrin the papers, saw on TV,

SALUTE TO THE RAILMEN, who were tirelessly working all night to get Mumbai back on tracks for the next day...
Not a drop of blood, or a sign of the dead on stations, mangles removed from the tracks, all clean!!
Link (from MumbaiMirror)

Who is targeted, by whom?(the news channels ask)

Whole of India is being targetted by attacking the commercial capital's most enthusiastic investors, regular office-goers, brokers, in fact sole bread earners of families too!!!
The terrorist have bombed us time n again...
'93 blasts were as horrific sight as of 7/11

But is anyone among the ruling party/opposition party/etc.. those who are responsible for our safety really feeling an inch of pain that Mumbaikar has gone through??

The city resurrects, yet again the Mumbaikars get salutes
'Salute Mumbai Spirit - teh neer dying spirit'
'Salaam Mumbai'
'Resilience Personified!!' (a link to an TOI editorial, dated 13th July 2006)

STOP SALUTING MUMBAI!!! ... ya stop saluting us, AND DO SOMETHING FOR US!!

How long do we bear up with bad roads, water shortages, traffic snarls, flooded roads and... now, now innocent lives at stake!!! terrorist attacks...!!
One after another, trains get blasted at peak hours!!!
Can the CM/opposition leader imagine his family member being in that 1st class coach??
How much taxes do Mumbaikars pay and what do we get??
Why dint the police get alerted when 40+ kgs of RDX was found in Aurangabad and other places in Maharashtra??
Dint they realise it was for targetting Mumbai?

"A captured LeT man says 'I told you so' (about Mumbai trains being the target!)" .. more on it (Front page, Mumbai Mirror dated 13th july, 2006)

What after the rdx thing at Byculla??
Why arent security measure upto the mark?

DONT tell Mumbaikars about shortage of police force!!
Why do the MLAs, VIPs etc.. need so much of security?? That there aint many police force left to safeguard the common man?
DEMOCRACY - is government for the people, of the people, by the people... then why is their secuirty more important than other people?

What's wrong if any of kins/kids of any of those suffering in blasts(be it Srinagar/Mumbai) get mad at the apathy of government and become terrorist?
The way US bombed Afghanistan, it just isn't surprising to see LeT is getting new recruits from there!!
Why shouldnt he/she just take a weapon and aim those who could have made a difference, but instead just make visits to incident spots and hospitals??
Why doesnt the government assure that the responsible; will be got hold of in a week?
No, we aint bothered if your satellite got burst/missile failed(though its our money, atleast none of us were dead!!!!)
Humans who pay a big chunk of India's taxes getting trampled like ants!

SS pelts stones in Akola, (wonder how can the have the nerve to do such things at a time like this!!) Destroying public property, creating unrest...
Where were these sentimental people when Mumbai was getting blasted? not a hand of help, not a drop of human kindness!!
Just annouce, "stone throwing event at XYZ place" and you will find a large number of them!! Its ridiculous the way the vandalise and hibernate when human help is required!!

Salman Khan is peeved every now and then for some damned buck, it makes news, media people get opportunity to flashback on his life to add some masala. But waht about Sanjay Dutt, who knew about '93 blasts?!!?
Did we forgive him?? Will you forgive if you lost your father/mother/child/sibling/friend in the blasts? Why do we watch his films? Isnt he just like the terrorists or maybe even worse?

"Light a candle" and donate a rupee!!!
Just mourn, donate and forget, relive every year on blast anniversary!!!

.... an agitated, frustrated Mumbaikar( i hope i share similar views with many others)

PS: Modi comes to Mumbai,.. for what? to tell us about 'how bombs burst?' or to send more smses telling us that it dint happen during this and that party's rule?
Are we even bothered to know? We just know we are being bombed since more than a decade now AND NO ONE CARES, neither the administration, nor any ruling/opposition party.. all of them just useless!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

MUMBAI - Living on the edge!

MUMBAI - Living on the edge!

Rains = floods
lolly lolly sunday morning turns into Vandalising + a virtual bandh

2 days later ... 7 serial blasts at peak hour in over-crowded local trains!!

(to be cont-)

Holding Mumbai Hostage!!

The statue of SS Head's wife is vandalised, which is condemed by one and all.
But should it amount to Mumbai Bandh or Maharashtra Bandh??

Buses being burnt, rasta roko, stopping the trains!!
Which person's soul would want all that to happen if some miscreant spoil's his/her idol!!?
Sentiments maybe hurt, but people cant go around vandalising Mumbai!!
Shops that shut down voluntarily did that out of fear, not in any anticipation for bandh.
Bandhs have been banned by the court, i guess way back.
Condeming shouldnt be done by closing down the city, holding it at ransom, pelting stones on public property and shops.
Bhandup case, in which policemen were killed is being projected by SS as absence of law and order, but rather its the irk of citizens that spills in some or the other form. And how rightful is a person who claims that 'the government has failed in providing proper law and order. people just do whatever they want"; invoke bandh, burning of buses. Isnt he supposed to shun from violence himself?

And the news keeps pouring in...all afternoon, from different parts of the state. Mumbai just had its share of monsoon woes(instead of enjoying the beautiful rain, people make frantic calls, try reaching home or reaching out to know about their dear ones as soon as they see incessant rains) , calling for a bandh, blocking the western express highway... Mumbai has no relief.

Country's commercial capital pays more than enough taxes, still doesnt have good urban infrastructure. (South Mumbai remains fine, while the 'burbs get flooded in filthy gutter water) To add to it we have these Bandh-planners, which just amounts to mega business loss for that particular day.
Who gives them the right to hold Mumbai hostage?

PS: a point to be noted.. some the protestors were cheerfully smiling on their way, while making all those obstructions whenevr some news channel's camera was on; as if they were out on a sunday morning walk!!! So much for the so-called sentiments that were hurt!!!

PS 2: about a total loss of Rs. 1 crore which doenst cover the business loss of closed shops and markets.
Who pays for this huge loss?
Was this a planned strategy?? just to get focus n limelight on SS??
'No bandh' was declared.. was it because of the 25 lakh fine slapped on SS fro the Aug '03 band?!
Isnt it the party's responsiblility to look after the statues put up by them??
What about the statues of nation's great leaders who have pigeons n doves shitting over them?

PS 3:
A girl in bhandup is hit by the SS miscreants' stone hurrled, jus to disrupt normal routine.
She lies in a hospital , wounded with multiple injuries.
How was she guilty to suffer this if some party-head's wife's statue is being vandalised??!
Who pays for her medical expenses?