Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mumbai Petition, TOI ...

Mumbai is demanding action. The Times of India is creating the largest petition for Mumbai. It will be submitted to the Prime Minister.For each signature, TOI will also contribute a rupee toward welfare of those affected by the recent blasts.If you've had enough, speak up.And spread the word.
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
Mumbai is tired, impatient and very angry. It doesn't want the praise. It wants its dues. For too long have we received only empty accolades. Now it's payback time.
We want:
  • More autonomy on how this city is run. India's dream destination cannot remain an administrative nightmare. We want leaders interested in the city, not in party bosses and vote banks.
  • More money, for the state and from the state. India's cash cow cannot just be milked dry. We want a fair percentage of what Mumbai contributes to be put back into city improvements.
  • More accountability and transparency. We refuse to let inefficiency and corruption steal our taxes. We want civic officials who level our roads not line their pockets.
  • More civilized living. India's business capital cannot be subjected to such tattered public services. We want to live like human beings, not rats.
  • More safety and security. We cannot be drowned out one day, blasted out the other. We want a strong, compassionate, accountable police force to protect our kids, our elderly parents and us.It's been too little for too long. We want to get as good as we give.
And we want it now.
Yours Sincerely,
Sign this petition...


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