Friday, July 28, 2006

Security Breach at PM's office - a Breach or a Rehersal?

A black Sonata drives up through the first gate, turns back and goes away....

Fact(according to news reports): Some 3 youngsters just drive in, breaching the security at PM's recidence at 7 Race Course Road in an high-secuirty(supposedly) open-fire area; "Just came to meet the Prime Minister" is what they absurdly claim and drive away merrily. No appointment, no prior record, not interrogated, neither stopped, two girls claiming to be from Jaipur and a boy just drive in and out of 7 RCR. Caught some 4-5 kms away because the media flashes the footage all over. The nation sees how easily a car drove up to the massive steel gate of the heavily guarded residence. A guard at the first spot, where there are two armed sentries and a drop barrier, refused to comment.The officials responsible for security try to hush the matter. In fact the PMO dint file any complaint against the same!!

An unofficial, unrecorded vehicle goes past the highest level security; it casually moves towards the exit as the girl seated behind blew flying kisses at the startled news reporters.

Jaswant Singh's story about the mole in PMO, the Khandhahar fiasco,
LeT men in army, speculations about being in the IAF,
along with the regular blasts in srinagar and mumbai...
BARC is one of the terror targets...
Where's the nation heading?? Where is the word security, is it only meant to lie in the dictionary?
Another perspective..
Was the seemingly immature driving of drunk youngsters a minor security breach(or not a security according to the PMO)
or Was it a rehersal for a major master-minded terrorist attack on 7RCR??!?!
Were the terrorist gauging to what extend can the go in, without being stopped for interrogation?
Were they measuring the distances to then accurately pinpoint at the PMO, a soft target for a grenade from the first gate!??!
What if it would have been loaded with ammunition/terrorist, open firing outside, maybe holding the whole cabinet hostage(which was inside in a meeting at that time)??


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