Tuesday, July 11, 2006

MUMBAI - Living on the edge!

MUMBAI - Living on the edge!

Rains = floods
lolly lolly sunday morning turns into Vandalising + a virtual bandh

2 days later ... 7 serial blasts at peak hour in over-crowded local trains!!

(to be cont-)


At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again mumbai and the aamchi mumbai spirit has been put to test. I am sure we will emerge strong, but then for how long? How long we will keep on taking blows and proudly sayin that we will emerge strong?...

At 1:33 AM, Blogger Surabhi said...

thanks for posting comments here too,
this place will be updated often ..
with wat's in store for us, unfortunately to day mumbaikar is just a puppet...


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