Thursday, February 07, 2008

Coldest Winters in Mumbai!!!

Mumbai chills at 9.4 degree celsius!!! 46-year low temperatures!!!

I'd thought Bombay was doomed to be hot and humid as not a single day in December/January was even worth wearing full sleeves, woolens would be extinct here, I would curse the shopping windows which flaunted Winter Collections, but this winter has surprisingly been the best of all!!!

It's awesome... Cold breeze, chilly winds... I love winter.
Best part of it.. enjoying it in Bombay!!!!

The whole city has transformed over the week. From the normal hustle bustle to people pausing to adjust their scarfs, stoles, jackets etc... little fire places on the road-side. Hardly anyone without winter wear... looks like some northern city. The affluent flaunting their best jackets with fur collars, people all wrapped up in variety of winter clothing n paraphernalia and the absolutely cute looking toddlers in their caps & mittens!!!

Finally, I can pull out my full sleeve clothing which I had once pushed into the bottom most corner with a heavy heart. yaay!!! Matching or complimenting sweaters, scarfs, stoles, mittens... yippee!! I'm happy or what! If its 10 degrees at SantaCruz be sure its 8 at Powai & I just love the breeze there... I wish I could fly with the cold chilly breeze. Ice-creams @ 10 are the whackiest ideas that one could opt. Wonder where are the ad-men & gimmicks people hibernating?! This is the season to rake in mullah in the name of "COLDEST WINTER IN CITY"

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