Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Come Back post

Posting after years.. literally!
And what compelled a come back - it wasn't the potholes, water logging, auto rickshaw fare hike, inflation, FDI in retail, IAC / Kejriwal, 1962 War completing 50 years - nope, none of that.

It is, of course, Starbucks. 

Yes, yes the one that has opened in Mumbai at Horniman Circle (Please forgive the taxi walas for calling it Hornyman or Honeymoon or Hanuman Circle).  Had seen tweets & Instagram images of the frenzy to welcome Starbucks with open arms on the opening day, but a particular video just showed how ridiculous it had actually got. People standing in queue for 2 hours for 200 bucks coffee. Ok, I know it is Starbucks coffee, but seriously 2 hours!! You could watch a movie, read a good book or magazine in that time! Come on, Bombay... city that runs, hops & rushes against time. Wasting hours waiting outside a coffee shop just shows how insecure we are & how ridiculously important peer pressure is. Had anyone insisted on waiting for even one fourth of that time in lodging complains against local issues, those potholes & what not that ails this city; would we? Not really, we are so busy, who would spend thirty long minutes for things that really matter!

But it's Starbucks - Yes it is Starbucks, but it is your inner impluse to "Check-in" before the weekend ends, the peer pressure to have registered your mark on FourSquare, a click on Instagram & of course, a status update on Facebook, not to mention the incessant tweets. Imagine what this city would turn into if all would be so active during elections, or to raise their voice against something, to demand for right to information, to get the freaking auto meters fixed for once & for all. 

And then finally, if you say - it's coffee - if you really know coffee so well, participate in a coffee cupping which requires more skill than wine tasting. 

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