Monday, July 28, 2008

Switch on the Evening news.. .Any blasts today?!

With the frequency of bomb blasts occurring in India, locals might very well be ready to see the evening news for the day; with stories of serial blasts in the "target town/city of the day"...

Now 2 days back to back, Bangalore blasts and then the 17 serial Ahmedabad blasts, all of them low intensity blasts meant to create panic. I switch on the news channels often, to know whether all's fine or today's the B-day for which next town in the row. Security seems to be just an eight-letter word.

Sad, but true.
With triple high alerts in cities, people wondering which town would be next. The country seems to be at the mercy of little known terrorist groups.
May 2008: Eight bombs in Jaipur kill 63
August 2007: Two bombs Hyderabad kill more than 40
May 2007: Bomb in Hyderabad mosque kills 14
February 2007: Twin blasts on train travelling from Delhi to Pakistan kills at least 66 people near Panipat
July 2006: More than 160 killed by seven bombs on train network in Mumbai
March 2006: Bombs at Hindu temple and railway station in Varanasi kill 15
October 2005: Three blasts in Delhi kill 62
Mumbai has always been a favourite target since 1993, blasts have become a part of the Bombay culture unfortunately. Last year when they bombed the local trains of Mumbai, the very life lines of travel of the city, hundreds were dead, injured and some still in hospitals or in a state of shock and trauma. The railmen did get Bombay running not because we are resilient, but because thousands depend on daily wages and cannot afford to stay at home. Most of the blasts here are high intensity, killing many people and the trials for such cases goes on for decades. Its a pity that people enjoy watching movies starring actors who actually had information about these blasts.

Wonder what is the point in knowing the various intensities, terror emails, pinpointing groups, etc.. the damage has been done, someone's family has already been destroyed, someone has lost a child, while someone else has lost a limb. Arrests are a farce and nothing related to phrases like 'curbing terror', 'justice to terror attack victims' , with the snail-paced court trials of the '93 blasts... we can very well gauge the time when the merciless hands behind the latest blasts are behind the bars, or better still sentenced to death for their heinous crime. For if you keep them alive, there will be some hijacking drama demanding the release of these terrorist.

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